Articles By: Web Editor (Larry Bate Takang)
Les opportunités offertes à la diaspora camerounaise par la CNPS?
Quelles sont les opportunités offertes à la diaspora camerounaise par la Caisse Nationale de Prevoyance Sociale, Cameroon (CNPS)?
ANNOUNCEMENT: The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has launched the electronic visa or E- Visa
ANNOUNCEMENT The Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg is pleased to inform the public that the Government of the Republic of Cameroon has launched the electronic visa or eVisa. This new entirely digitalized form of visa will start on April 30, 2023. Its main […]
COMMUNIQUE: le Gouvernement de la République du Cameroun a mis en place le visa électronique ou E-visa
COMMUNIQUE L’Ambassade de la République du Cameroun près le Royaume des Pays- Bas et le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, informer le public que le Gouvernement de la République du Cameroun a mis en place le visa électronique ou E-visa. Cette nouvelle forme de visa dont la procédure d’obtention est entièrement digitalisée, prendra effet à compter du […]
Les demandes de visas à destination du Cameroun à partir du 30 avril, se feront exclusivement en ligne (officiel)
Dans un communiqué du ministre des Relations extérieures, S.E Lejeune Mbella Mbella, à partir du 30 avril prochain, les demandes de visas à destination du Cameroun se feront exclusivement en ligne. Les demandes de visas se feront à partir de la plateforme Cette réforme, prescrite par SON EXCELLENCE MONSIEUR LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE […]
Online Visa Application to Cameroon Now Possible from 30 April 2023
ELECTRONIC VISA PROCEDURE The Minister of External Relations, H.E MBELLA MBELLA hereby informs national and international public opinion that, as from 30 April 2023, all applications for entry visas to Cameroon shalt be completed exclusively online, by accessing This reform, instructed by HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, aims at the digital transformation […]
Dutch Ambassadors Gather in The Hague: African Diplomatic Group Invited to Jointly Discuss Draft Dutch Strategy for Africa
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINBUZA) will organize a 3 days conference of all Dutch ambassadors in March 2023, to discuss the various aspects of their country’s foreign policy. The conference is expected to take place at the Hague Conference Centre, New Babylon, Anna Van Buerenplein 29, in the Hague. It should be noted […]
Gov’t of Cameroon Contributes €30.489.80 towards Construction of OPCW Centre for Chemistry and Technology
The Government of the Republic of Cameroon has contributed €30.489.80 to support the construction and operation of a new facility, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Centre for Chemistry and Technology, currently being built outside The Hague. The contribution was formalised on the 9 December 2022 through an exchange of letters. The […]