Articles By: Web Editor (Larry Bate Takang)

VIDEO: 49th Cameroon National Day by Cameroon Embassy Netherlands

VIDEO: 49th Cameroon National Day by Cameroon Embassy Netherlands

CAMEROON NATIONAL DAY 2021 Cameroonian Embassy, The Netherlands led by H.E Ambassador Mrs. Liguemoh Ondoua Madeleine has Celebrated Cameroon’s 49th National day (20 May 2021). Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s celebration took place in July 2021 and was tailored to match the times… that is, limited physical participation and mainly online contributions and […]

Watch Full Embassy Women’s Day 2021 Zoom Conference Video

Watch Full Embassy Women’s Day 2021 Zoom Conference Video

Vidéo de la version bilingue (anglais et français) de la conférence Zoom Journée de la femme de l’ambassade 2021. ============================================================= Video of the bilingual version (English and French) of the Embassy Women’s Day 2021 Zoom Conference.

Message from H.E. the Ambassador of Cameroon to the Cameroonian Community in the Netherlands

Message from H.E. the Ambassador of Cameroon to the Cameroonian Community in the Netherlands

Download Full Christmas Message Here (Pdf version)

Message de S.E. Mme l’Ambassadeur du Cameroun à la communauté Camerounaise des Pays-Bas

Message de S.E. Mme l’Ambassadeur du Cameroun à la communauté Camerounaise des Pays-Bas

Téléchargez le message de Noël complet ici (version Pdf)

H.E Mrs. Liguemoh Presents Credentials to OPCW

H.E Mrs. Liguemoh Presents Credentials to OPCW

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands: On Monday, December 21, 2020, Her Excellency Ambassador Mrs. LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine presented her letter of credentials to H.E. Ambassador Fernando Arias, Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague, The Netherlands. During the ceremony, Ambassador LIGUEMOH reaffirmed Cameroon’s commitment to a world free […]

L’Ambassadeur LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine a présenté ses Lettre de créance au Roi des Pays-Bas

L’Ambassadeur LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine a présenté ses Lettre de créance au Roi des Pays-Bas

La Haye,             Le 9 décembre 2020, S.E.Mme LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de la République du Cameroun auprès du Royaume des Pays-Bas, a présenté ses Lettres de créances au Roi Willem-Alexander des Pays-Bas. Cette exigence diplomatique lui confère officiellement la plénitude de sa qualité d’Ambassadeur. La cérémonie s’est tenue au Palais Royal […]

Ambassador (Mrs). LIGUEMOH Madeleine Presents Her Credentials to King of the Netherlands

Ambassador (Mrs). LIGUEMOH Madeleine Presents Her Credentials to King of the Netherlands

THE HAGUE. On 9 December 2020, Her Excellency Madam LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary) presented her credentials to His Majesty King-Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, thus formally becoming the new Cameroonian Ambassador to the Kingdom of The Netherlands. The ceremony took place at the Noordeinde Palace in The Hague, where the Ambassador was accompanied […]

New Ambassador, H.E Mrs. ONDOUA Madeleine Arrives in the Netherlands

New Ambassador, H.E Mrs. ONDOUA Madeleine Arrives in the Netherlands

The new Cameroonian Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Her Excellency Madam LIGUEMOH ONDOUA Madeleine, has arrived in The Netherlands to head the Cameroon Diplomatic Mission. She was gladly welcome by all embassy staff, as she takes over as the second full-fledge Cameroonian Ambassador, and also the second […]

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